Busy Bee! Too Busy for Healthy
Health and Wellness

Busy Bee! Too Busy for Healthy

As professional working women, we always juggle work, kids, and social life. Meal planning, shopping, and preparing fresh and nutritious meals, especially with kids, is NO JOKE.

Like us, most women we spoke to are also challenged with:

  1. Finding time to plan for weekly meals
  2. Making day-to-day food decisions… tends to be last-minute
  3. Balancing flavor, health & convenience

One way to avoid last-minute stress and find time for yourself is to outsource a portion of kitchen needs to ready-to-eat healthy meal kits available in the market. It is meant not to eliminate your time in the kitchen but to provide a cushion. For example, having three lunches in the fridge for a week will help you shuffle between your cooking time or using ready-to-eat meals based on your day-to-day schedule. This way, you don't have to resort to unhealthy last-minute options.

A Whole Food Plant-Based (WFPB) Diet
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